Children's Land

From Lundman Wiki

Children's Land 子どもの国

A large (240 acres) park dedicated for children. Naturally has large areas to run around in, but also an impressive range of (multiple) kids play-areas, fortresses, and slides. Including hill-side wide slide, roller slides, 100 meter long roller slide. Water slide and pools for summer time, ice scating rink for winter time. Maze, tunnels and more. There is a mini-SL train ride, complete with rail crossing, tunnel and bridge. Picnic and BBQ areas. There is also a petting zoo, where children can try hand milking animals. Camping grounds are also available.

Address: 〒227-0036横浜市青葉区奈良町700番地
Phone: (045) 961-2111
Admission Price: 600円 Adults. 300円 3(years and up)
Admission Hours: 09:30-16:30 / 17:00
Closest Stations:
  • Nagatsuta 長津田 (Den-en-toshi, plus special Train to park)
  • Tsurukawa 鶴川 (Odakyu, plus Odakyu bus)
Journey category:

Half-day / Full-day

  • Odakyu bus unloads and leaves from the same side of the road. Do not cross to return.
  • Has baby-car rental.
  • Has parking.
  • There are multiple 子どもの国, this is the Chuo one.