User:Surrogates florida

From Lundman Wiki

The Medical Processes involve in Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a wonderful process that can help intended couples get a biological child of their own. There are many processes involved with surrogacy from fertility trials up to legal matters. There are two main types of surrogacy and each type uses a different medical method to conceive a child for intended parents. For the first type of surrogacy which is Traditional surrogacy, the process involves the fertilization of the surrogate mothers own egg cells. The process is done through artificial insemination where the intended father’s sperm cells are collected and used to fertilize the surrogate mothers own egg cells.

For the second type of surrogacy, which is Gestational surrogacy. Both the egg and sperm cells of the intended parents are harvested and used to make a fertilized embryo which will be transplanted to the surrogate mother. The medical process involved with Gestational surrogacy is known as InVitro Fertilization or IVF. Surrogate agency Florida can provide great referrals for reliable fertility clinics that could assist with the different medical processes involved with surrogacy. surrogate agency florida