User:Surrogate agency florida

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Ethical Questions about Surrogacy

Modern science can now remedy several problems that have plagued mankind for several centuries. Even infertility is no longer a problem, doctors can now take the sperm and egg cells of a man and woman to create a fertilized embryo and transfer it to the womb of another woman who will carry the baby until the time of childbirth. All these great medical advances are often questioned and scrutinized by traditionalists; most of them fail to see the bigger picture that it can help couples get a biological child to complete their family. florida surrogates

One of the most common ethical concerns on surrogacy is that infertile couples should opt for adoption and help a less fortunate child. However, adoption is not always the best option for intended parents. The child they often want should be from their own flesh and blood. In many catholic countries surrogacy is banned but in certain places like in Florida, surrogacy is well protected by laws and statutes. Florida surrogates can help intended parents conceive and carry their very own biological child.