Year six

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Swedish furniture mega-store with locations world wide, including Tokyo. Ikea around the world always have areas for kids to play, and encourage you to shop as a family. However, what is strange about the Tokyo branch is that the big play area is supervised baby sitting only. So if you child does not fit the height/age requirements then there is no play area for your child. Made more unusual as Japan is renowned for not using baby sitters. There is a small toddlers play area in the restaurant.

Address: 2-3-30 Hamacho, Funabashi, Chiba 〒273-0012


Phone: 047-436-1111
Admission Price: Free entry
Admission Hours: 10:00-20:00
Closest Stations:
* Minami Funabashi 南船橋駅 
 (Keiyo JR京葉 & Musashino 武蔵野)
Journey category:

Short / Half-day

  • Swedish Food Shop near exit.