LundFTPD Usage

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The configuration is set in the lundftpd.conf file. Open this file with a text editor and update to suite your needs.

Administration from command line

LundFTPD can perform most of these tasks while running, see SITE commands below.

To list help,
        lundftpd -h

To create a user/users,
	lundftpd -a

To delete a user/users,
	lundftpd -d

To edit a user/users,
	lundftpd -e
        Note that the EDITOR variable has to be set.
        I.e. 'setenv EDITOR vi' or maybe 'export EDITOR=vi'

To list a user/users,
	lundftpd -l

To start ftpd in verbose mode (don't go daemon),
	lundftpd -v

To dump users into a form which can be used to recreate database,
	lundftpd -x > dump.txt

To recreate user database from dump,
	lundftpd -a < dump.txt

To load alternative configfile,
        lundftpd -f <file>

Administration from FTP client, SITE commands

If you have an FTP client with GUI, look for a function called "Send RAW command" or similar to issue the following commands.
Example: site help

| SPECIAL SITE COMMANDS   (+ =>'s gadmin command, * =>'s admin command)        |
|-[ GENERAL COMMANDS ]---------------------------------------------------------|
| COLOUR <ON/OFF>          - Turn colours on/off                               |
| EXTRA <ON/OFF>           - Turn extra messages and info on/off               |
| GIVE <USER> <AMOUNT>     - Give <AMOUNT> MB of your credits to <USER>        |
| HELP <COMMAND>           - Show this screen, show more help about <COMMAND>  |
| INCOMPLETES              - Show currently incomplete releases                |
| MSG <USER> <MESSAGE>     - Read message(s), send <MESSAGE> to <USER>         |
| NEW <LAST/YYMMDD/##>     - Show new uploads                                  |
| PASSWD <OLD> <NEW>       - Change password from <OLD> to <NEW>               |
| RACES                    - Show current races                                |
| SECTION                  - Show current section and settings.                |
| TAGLINE <TAGLINE>        - Show tagline; set tagline to <TAGLINE>            |
| TOPUP <D/W/M/A>          - Show usertop upload <DAY/WEEK/MONTH/ALLTIME>      |
| TOPDN <D/W/M/A>          - Show usertop download <DAY/WEEK/MONTH/ALLTIME>    |
| WALL <MESSAGE>           - Show messagewall, write <MESSAGE> on messagewall  |
| WHO                      - Show online users                                 |
| REQUEST <DIR>            - Request <DIR> or list requests                    |
| REQFILLED <DIR>          - Announce completed request                        |
|-[ ADMIN COMMANDS ]-----------------------------------------------------------|
|*CHOWN <USER> <PATH>      - Change owner of file or directory                 |
|*NUKE <DIR> <MULTI> <RSN> - Nuke a release                                    |
|*UNNUKE <DIR> <MUL> <RSN> - UnNuke a release                                  |
|*REHASH                   - Re-read configuration file                        |
|*TCPSTAT                  - Show active TCPIP connections                     |
|*DUPE [+/-]<FILE>         - List, +add or -remove <FILE> from dupe-database   |
|-[ USER RELATED COMMANDS ]----------------------------------------------------|
| USER [USER]              - Show all users, show info about <USER>            |
|+ADDUSER <USR> <PW> <IPS> - Create a new user                                 |
|+DELUSER <USR>            - Delete an existing user                           |
|+RENUSER <USR> <NEW>      - Rename an existing user                           |
|+SETLIMIT <USR> <LDU> <#> - Set user's <login|down|up> limit                  |
|*SETFLAGS <USR> <UF>      - Set user's userflag level                         |
|+SETPASS <USER> <NEWPASS> - Set user's password                               |
|+SETRATIO <USER> <RATIO>  - Set user's ul/dl ratio, -1 = no ratio             |
|+SETIP <USER> <#> <ID@IP> - Set user's ident@ip pattern on entry <#>          |
|*SETCRED <USER> +/-<AMNT> - Set, +add or -remove <AMNT>MB credits from <USER> |
|*KICK <USER>              - Kick user off the server                          |
|-[ GROUP RELATED COMMANDS ]---------------------------------------------------|
| CHGRP <GROUP>            - Show available groups, set active group           |
|+GROUPINFO <GROUP>        - Show info about group                             |
|*GROUPLIST                - Show groups                                       |
|*GROUPADD <GROUP> [...]   - Add a new group                                   |
|*GROUPDEL <GROUP>         - Delete a group                                    |
|*GROUPUSER <GRP> +-<USER> - Add/remove a user from a group                    |
|*GTAGLINE <TAGLINE>       - Display & set active group's tagline to <TAGLINE> |
|*GTOPUP <D/W/M/A>         - Show grouptop uploads <DAY/WEEK/MONTH/ALLTIME>    |
|*GTOPDN <D/W/M/A>         - Show grouptop downloads <DAY/WEEK/MONTH/ALLTIME>  |
| Type SITE HELP <COMMAND> for more info about <COMMAND>                       |