Dune:Dune BD Prime Audio Hardware

From Lundman Wiki
Revision as of 14:50, 5 February 2010 by Lundman (talk | contribs)


You can talk here about whatever and whatnot.

My Links

Some links to stuff that I'm involved/interested in:

Dune BD Prime 3.0

HawkBoard for HiFi audio signal processing

Innovate Solutions, Distributor for the little dirt cheap(USD89) Hawkboard that hold 2400 MMACS capacity

hawkboard.org not much content but an awesome board

Google discussion on Hawkboard subjects

Ångström Linux distribution

XMOS.com USB 2.0 Audio development kit

XMOS USB 2.0 Audio with awesome signal processing capabilities

XMOS project, Digital feedback to improve and manage sound reproduction in home environment

Patent covering commercial implementations of the above (No its not mine but a friend of mine that holds it)

ESSTech, producers of fantastic DACSs that have enormous jitter rejection capabilities

Swedish forums on various audio stuff

Intresseanmälan till Digital "ACE" med extra allt, users reporting for action on the subject of beta testing XMOS implementation of the digital feedback filters

Julklapp från Morello's lab. A notch filter that works in the same subject

Bygge med mätningar! SS21W/8554 (utan -00) och SS2905/9000, Some really old drivers I used to build a pair of speakers for my brother in law

TROLLDIST nu ver. 7.6, some very early matlab hacks to implement loudspeaker linearizations

Egen låda och fanéring till Ino Audio profundus P, bass modules being built - design by the famous Ingvar Öhman

Egen fanering (och låda till) av Ino Audio piP, Monitor stand speakers also by the same design

User Contributions

This is where you put your stuff!