NMT C200 Deep

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Revision as of 07:47, 15 September 2009 by Lundman (talk | contribs)

C200 Deeper thoughts

The /tmp/setting.txt file has the following:


Can we change that directly and it'll work (for the session)? Can we use the pflash tool to write it to nvram?

C200 has Remote control codes:

slow+1683 : Set bluray region
slow+1663 : Set DVD region

Are there more?

Ah not in lib_syabas_framework.so there is not. If you want to look for them, the sequence is:

54 F0 00 00  31 00 00 00  36 00 00 00  36 00 00 00  33 00 00 00
Slow          1            6            6            3

For DVDs, the region is set using:


However, no real need to poke in there, since if your drive is rpc1, it doesn't matter. If your drive ISN'T rpc1, you will have only 5 changes enforced by the drive.

Bluray region is handled by:


If you wanted to do it the tedious way:

▒│.text:00003CC0                 lw      $t9, (xosd_command_stub - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:00003CC4                 li      $a3, 0x2000
▒│.text:00003CC8                 sw      $v0, 0x208+var_1F4($sp)
▒│.text:00003CCC                 move    $a0, $0   
▒│.text:00003CD0                 move    $a1, $s7
▒│.text:00003CD4                 sw      $s3, 0x208+var_1F0($sp)
▒│.text:00003CD8                 jalr    $t9
▒│.text:00003CDC                 sw      $0, 0x208+var_1F8($sp)
▒│.text:00003CE0                 lw      $gp, 0x208+var_1E8($sp)
▒│.text:00003CE4                 addiu   $a1, $sp, 0x208+var_1E0
▒│.text:00003CE8                 lw      $v0, (CreateDialog - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:00003CEC                 lw      $t9, (xwrite_str_stub - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:00003CF0                 addiu   $a0, $v0, 0x89B4  # "bluray region"
▒│.text:00003CF4                 lw      $v0, 0x208+var_1D8_bluray_cnt($sp)
▒│.text:00003CF8                 addiu   $v0, 1           # Might want to NOT increase me
▒│.text:00003CFC                 jalr    $t9
▒│.text:00003D00                 sw      $v0, 0x208+var_1D8_bluray_cnt($sp)
▒│.text:00003D04                 lw      $gp, 0x208+var_1E8($sp)
▒│.text:00003D08                 addiu   $a0, $fp, 0x208+var_7844
▒│.text:00003D0C                 lw      $t9, (off_196C8 - 0x215A0)($gp)  # sub_79d0
▒│.text:00003D10                 jalr    $t9
▒│.text:00003D14                 addiu   $a1, $sp, 0x208+var_1D8_bluray_cnt
▒│.text:00003D18                 lw      $gp, 0x208+var_1E8($sp)
▒│.text:00003D1C                 lw      $t9, (xsave_commit_stub - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:00003D20                 jalr    $t9
▒│.text:00003D24                 nop
▒│.text:00003D28                 li      $v0, 1
▒│.text:00003D2C                 xori    $v0, 1
▒│.text:00003D30                 lw      $gp, 0x208+var_1E8($sp)
▒│.text:00003D34                 b       bluray_cancelORerror
▒│.text:00003D38                 sltu    $s1, $0, $v0

.text:00003CF0 B4 89 44 24 30 00 A2 8F 01 00 42 24 09 F8 20 03

▒│.text:00004030                 lw      $v0, (CreateDialog - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:00004034                 lw      $a2, (CreateDialog - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:00004038                 lw      $t9, (xsnprintf_stub - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:0000403C                 addiu   $v0, 0x8D1C      # "/dev/sr0" 
▒│.text:00004040                 addiu   $a2, 0x8D00      # "drive_ops setregion %d %s"
▒│.text:00004044                 li      $a1, 0x23 
▒│.text:00004048                 jalr    $t9   
▒│.text:0000404C                 sw      $v0, 0x208+var_1F8($sp)  
▒│.text:00004050                 lw      $gp, 0x208+var_1E8($sp) 
▒│.text:00004054                 lw      $t9, (xsystem_stub - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:00004058                 jalr    $t9 
▒│.text:0000405C                 move    $a0, $s0 
▒│.text:00004060                 bnez    $v0, dvd_systemfailed  
▒│.text:00004064                 lw      $gp, 0x208+var_1E8($sp) 
▒│.text:00004068                 lw      $v0, 0x208+var_1D8_DVD_cnt($sp) 
▒│.text:0000406C                 lw      $a0, (CreateDialog - 0x215A0)($gp) 
▒│.text:00004070                 lw      $t9, (xsub_79d0 - 0x215A0)($gp)
▒│.text:00004074                 addiu   $v0, 1           # Might want to NOT increase here  
▒│.text:00004078                 addiu   $a0, 0x8D28      # "dvd_region" 
▒│.text:0000407C                 addiu   $a1, $sp, 0x208+var_1DC 
▒│.text:00004080                 jalr    $t9 

.text:00004070 28 81 99 8F 01 00 42 24 28 8D 82 24 2C 00 A5 27