Llink:compatible players
List of compatible streamers
Note that this list is not a complete reference, and all listed products are not confirmed, but in theory llink should work with most Syabas middleware hardware. There is a product list maintained on the NMT wiki.
Please add to this list if you have found a player confirmed to work with llink.
Syabas NMT powered media players:
- Confirmed: Popcorn Hour A-100, A-110, B-110 popcornhour.com
- Confirmed: Digitek HDX900, HDX1000 hdx1080.com
- DuneHD Ultra, dune-hd.com
- ISTAR Mini, istarhd.com
- eGreat EG-M31A, EG-M31B egreathd.com
- Shenzhen Elektron EHP-600, 606 Mini elektron-china.com
- CMI SYVIO-200 cmicable.com
- Dueple 700D dueple.se
- Kaiboer K-100 kaiboerhd.com
- Dragontech ioBox-100HD dragontechcorp.com
- Balocco Box telcominstrument.com (eGreat clone)
And possibly other or older players:
- Confirmed: AVeL LinkPlayer2, iodata.com
- Confirmed: Buffalo LinkTheater, buffalo-technology.com
- Flexcomm Haidee1000, flexcomm.com.cn
- Viewsonic hdmr-2000