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Hacking the Amano timecard system device. Inspecting AGX-100 and AGX-10 devices.

Firmware analysis

The device seems to communicate on port 1441.

The bytes captured are:

host <<=>> minidevice  Run 1
>> port 1441 Syn?
<< Syn!

>> 04 "0900" 05     # 04 = new request ? The response seems to be, 01 stuff, 02 stuff, 03 stuff, 04 end
<< 01 "0001" 02 "09000021800000000080000000              " 03 09    # This says "8" and there are 8 records
                      # possibly read as 09 00002 18 00" as the 18 might be the 17 digits after
>> 10 30            # something
<< 04               # 04 = ok?

>> 04 "0700" 05     # new request  ?
<< "0700" 04        # empty?
>> 04 "0600" 05     #    ?
<< 01 "0001" 02 "longstringofdata" 03 0d     # lots of data
>> 10 30            # something? (clear?)
<< 04               # ok

>> 04 "1901" 05     # request for 1901?
<< 10 30            
>> 01 "0002" 02 "1911            " 03 0b   # spaces, normal 01,02,03 reply, but what is it
<< 10 31            # 10 31 now
>> 04               # ok

>> 04 "0600" 05     # again, give me 0600 again?
<< "0600" 04        # now its empty
>> Fin
<< Fin

The longstring of data, appears to contain:

30 3030 31                    "0001"
#Start of record, total of 8 records this time
3331                          "31"
3230 3038 3130 3033 3038 3436 "200810030846"   # known
3030 3031                     "0001"
3030 3030 3030 3132 3232      "0000001222"     # known
3030 3031                     "0001" 
#Start of next record
3331                          "31"
... etc ..
3030 3031                     "0001" 
# end
03 0d

Later on, around noon:

01 "0001" 02 "31"
"31"  # etc
# Follow by 8 other "0003" and "8901". We have one:



host <<=>> minidevice  Run 2

>> 04 "0900" 05
<< 01 "0001" 02 "09000021800000000240000000              " 03 07  # This says 24 and there are 24 records
>> 10 30
<< 04

>> 04 "0700" 05
<< "0700" 04

>> 04 "0600" 05
<< 01 "0001"
<< 02 "longstringdata" 03 0e   # 8 records
>> 10 30
<< 01 "0001" 
<< 02 "more long data" 03 0e   # 8 records
>> 10 30
<< 01 "0001" 
<< 02 "more long data" 03 04   # 8 records
>> 10 30
<< 04

>> 04 "1901" 05
<< 10 30

>> 01 "0002" 02 "1911            " 03 0b
<< 10 31
>> 04

>> 04 "0600" 05
<< "0600" 04

>> Fin
<< Fin


Picked up an older device for 1 yen on the auction. Seems to be of a similar design, except the main card reader has only serial, then they have bolted on a serial-to-ethernet adaptor device. When you connect to port 80 it displays the settings that it is redirecting serial 9600 to port 1441.

Testing from my code:

< sent to device
: hex of received bytes
> string of received bytes

:01 30 30 30 31 02 30 39 30 30 30 30 32 30 35 30 
:30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 
:30 30 31 36 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 03 
>'0001090000205000000000000000000016          '

>10 30

>04 "0700" 05

:01 30 30 30 31 02 30 37 30 30 32 34 32 30 30 30 
:30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 17 
>'0001070024200000000000000   '



>04 "0600" 05

:30 36 30 30 04 

This makes me think:

04 OK
05 EOR EndOfRequest?
01 Part1..  02 Part2..  03 Part3  CRC
10-30 Received OK. The DATA packet is deleted when unit receives this to a 0600.
10-31 Status code "1"?  Done, or "completed, dont send more"
15 Error, bad crc, or just bad request

Requests (04-request-05)

       // 0000 = empty
       // 0100 = 0001 01 2008 12 30 1351 19    Time?
       // 0200 = '000102050100000000020001    030002    040002    0502560008060000    0700030003080000    090001    100000000011000000001200000000    '
       // 0300 = empty
       // 0400 = empty
       // 0500 = empty
       // 0600 = get time-entries
       // 0700 = get time, empty
       // 0800 = empty
       // 0900 = get serial and number of entries
       // 1000 = empty
       // 1100 = empty
       // 1200 = empty
       // ...
       // 2100 = empty
0900 status and number of entries?
0700 empty for agx-100, and '.0001.0700 210 2008 12 30 1236 10   ' for agx-10. Looks like date/time
0600 send the entries, 8 at a time
1901 clear the entries?
       // 0101 = ERROR
       // ...
       // 0801 = ERROR
       // 0901 = ERROR
       // 1001 = 04
       // 1101 = 04
       // 1201 = 04
       // 1301 = 04
       // 1401 = ERROR
       // 1501 = ERROR
       // 1601 = 04
       // 1701 = ERROR
       // 1801 = ERROR
       // 1901 = 04     // Don't know what this does now.
       // 3101 = ERROR

It also just occurred to me that my real card has a magnetic strip, and does indeed work with the old unit. This is a record from it:

0001 31 2008 12 30 1815 0001 0000001222 0001

Note it still starts with "31" which makes me think it is not Unit Number, but perhaps card series.


01-02-03 seem to be always followed by a checksum byte (&0x0f) so, we need to figure this out:

01 0001 02 09 0 0 0 0 218 00000000 0 8 0000000______________ 03 09
01 0001 02 31 200810030846000100000012220001
01 0001 02 31 200810030925000100000010610001 03 0d
01 0002 02 19 11 ____________ 03 0b

01 0001 02 09 0 0 0 0 218 00000000 2 4 0000000______________ 03 07
01 0001 02 31 200810030933000100000011070001
           31 200810030934000100000014550001
           31 200810030936000100000011670001
           31 200810030941000100000014460001 03 0e
01 0002 02 19 11 ____________ 03 0b

01 0001 02 09 0 0 0 0 218 00000000 0 7 0000000______________ 03 06
01 0001 02 31 200810030958000100000011660001
           31 200810031010000100000011620001 
            ________________________________ 03 06
01 0002 02 19 11 ____________ 03 0b

01 0001 02 09 0 0 0 0 218 00000000 0 2 0000000______________ 03 03
01 0001 02 31 200810031031000100000015510001
           31 200810031054000100000011390001
            ________________________________ 03 0a

01 0001 02 09 0 0 0 0 218 00000000 0 0 000000000____________ 03 01

Note that the data-get (reply to 0600) always has 8 records in it, or padded out with spaces until final 03.

The two closest packets we have are the two listing 8 entries and 7 entries.

01 0001 02 09 0 0 0 0 218 00000000 0 8 0000000______________ 03 09
01 0001 02 09 0 0 0 0 218 00000000 0 7 0000000______________ 03 06
                                  30 38
                                  30 37
                          38 =>   0011 1000    09 => 1001
                          37 =>   0011 0111    06 => 0110

So it would seem that the CRC is XOR based. It is computed from the first byte following 0x02 (6th byte into the message) and includes the 0x03 byte at the end.