Llink:synology readme

From Lundman Wiki
Revision as of 08:56, 19 June 2008 by Lundman (talk | contribs)
# llink is copyrighted 2008 by Jorgen Lundman. It's free to use under the
# terms in the LICENSE file. For more information look at:
# http://www.lundman.net/

Written by dc11ab on the 16th of March 2008
Updated 16th of May 2008

Verified for llink version 2.0.5 build 730 on a CS-406 with firmware 590.
If no major changes has been introduced, this README should work as 
install guide regardless of version.

The guide describes how to install the llink media server on a Synology
NAS. The x06 compiled binary should work on the following models:
:: DS-101g+, DS-106j, DS-106e, DS-106, DS-106x , CS-406, RS-406, CS-406e
:: DS-107e, DS-107, DS-207, DS-207.128 and CS-407e

If you have another model, make sure you have downloaded the correct
binary, because it will not work on the Marvell based x07 models and is 
not confirmed on the x08 models (DS-207+, CS-407, DS-408 etc.)
If you are unsure what model you have, please look here:

The llink startup script survived a Synology firmware update from 518 to 
590 but future firmware upgrades may brake it.

* Replace <version> below with the version number of llink, example: 2.0.3
* When downloaded from lundman.net the inital character in the file name
  is Capitalized, e.g. Llink-2.0.3-synology_x06_ppc.tar.gz
  Linux is case sensitive so don't forget to have this in mind.

* Other llink skins than the defaults.
* Integration with web admin interface and startup, as of new firmware
  from June 2008.

Telnet or SSH enabled on the NAS.

Enter the NAS with telnet or SSH using root or admin user.

Place the llink-<version>-synology_x06_ppc.tar.gz file in the share: 

Untar the file:
> tar -xvzf llink-<version>-synology_x06_ppc.tar.gz

This creates a directory: /volume1/llink-<version>-synology_x06_ppc

After a successful untar you can remove the tar.gz file:
> rm -rf llink-<version>-synology_x06_ppc.tar.gz

Edit the conf files accordingly to specify ports, location of your
media and other settings that you prefer and require. 

If you prefer to start llink manually, just enter it's directory:
cd /volume1/llink-<version>-synology_x06_ppc/src/
and enter: 
> ./llink -d

To stop llink manually, enter: 
> killall llink

To enable autostart on boot, edit the rc.local file to point to the 
llink startup script:
> vi /etc/rc.local

This opens the file in the vi editor. If you don't understand how to 
use vi, type man vi, or find instructions in your favorite search engine.

Enter on a new line:
#Adding the llink media server to autostart, <date>

Save and exit vi, (<esc><esc> :wq <enter>)

Make sure the startup script has the right permissions:
> chmod 755 /volume1/llink-<version>-synology_x06_ppc/S89llink.sh

Note: Using other skins, such as Jukebox and the SD skin requires a 
change in the startup script S89llink.sh, if this is used.
-f <skin conf file>  
after the llink path. (eg: -f jukebox.conf)

Now the installation is complete! Next time you reboot your NAS llink
starts automatically and appears as "llink-daemon" on your Syabas media
player interface. Enjoy your media!

1. Enter your Synology with telnet/ssh and shut down llink:
> killall llink

2. Simply delete the install directory<br>
> rm -rf /volume1/llink-<version>-synology_x06_ppc

3. Remove the line in the /etc/rc.local file.
(using 'vi', for instance)


If the installations doesn't work, it is very likely that the llink.conf
file is not correctly set. Make sure your ROOT folders for the media is

More help concerning llink may be found on www.lundman.net and the
Syabas forum Networkedmediatank.com (User Application section).

If you want a log/debug output of llink, stop it manually (see above) 
and start it manually with:
> ./llink -v 60

Using 255 instead of 60 will generate all the details. And that's a lot.

If you want to connect your Syabas media player with your Synology NAS
you can use both Samba (SMB/CIFS) or NFS. NFS is faster than SMB and
thus more suitable for viewing high-bitrate content such as HD movies.

You'll find several guides and HowTo's at Synology.com forum and wiki,
as well as on Syabas forum and wiki at Networkedmediatank.com.
