Macro name : Example replacement <!--LLINK_SERVER_NAME--> : "llink" <!--LLINK_FILE_NAME--> : "file.avi" <!--LLINK_FILE_URL--> : "" <!--LLINK_FILE_SIZE--> : "4123414" or "4.1MB" or "". See SIZE_TYPE in llink.conf <!--LLINK_FILE_DATE--> : "Thu Dec 27 15:46:56 JST 2007" (man ctime) <!--LLINK_FILE_TVID--> : "12" <!--LLINK_FILE_EXT--> : ".avi" <!--LLINK_PARENT_DIRECTORY--> : "/movies" <!--LLINK_CURRENT_DIRECTORY--> : "/movies/part1" <!--LLINK_DETAIL_SIZE--> : "4123414" <!--LLINK_PAGE_PREV_URL--> : "/movies/part1&from=1" <!--LLINK_PAGE_NEXT_URL--> : "/movies/part1&from=10" See PAGE_SIZE in llink.conf <!--LLINK_PARENT_DIRECTORY_URL--> : "" <!--LLINK_CURRENT_DIRECTORY_URL--> : "" <!--LLINK_ONKEYUP_PREV--> : "onkeyupset=\"prev\"" if this is the first entry listed. <!--LLINK_ONKEYDOWN_NEXT--> : "onkeydownset=\"next\"" if this is the last entry listed. <!--LLINK_PAGE_FOCUS--> : "1" or "10" See PAGE_SIZE in llink.conf. <!--LLINK_ZODIAC--> : "taurus", "pisces". As based on the Zodiac calendar. <!--LLINK_CURRENT_PLAYALL--> : "/movies/&playall=1". Play all in this directory. <!--LLINK_FILE_PLAYALL--> : "/movies/subdir/&playall=1" Play all in sub directory. <!--LLINK_RAND--> : "rand5" Replace with random number, see RAND directive in conf.
Extended directory entry listing. This works by looking for an XML file in the following order:
- "/movies/file.avi.xml"
- "/movies/directory/mymovies.xml"
- "/$redirect/file.avi.xml" (Redirect TYPES, see llink.conf)
So it can support both the style where each movie is in a sub-directory, and has a "mymovies.xml" compatible XML file, and the second style, where all movies live in a directory, with .xml files intermixed.
The following tags are currently parsed from the .XML file:
<!--LLINK_EXTNFO_ICON--> : "/movies/file.png" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_TITLE--> : "The Ultimate Movie" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_LOCAL_TITLE--> : "Ze Ultimate Film" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_COUNTRY--> : "United States" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_LENGTH--> : "93" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_TAGLINE--> : "This is a recent movie!" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_DESCRIPTION--> : "Once upon a time..." <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_GENRES--> : "Action Boredom Thriller" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_DATE--> : "12 Jun 2007" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_DIRECTORS--> : "Peter Jackson (Director)" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_CAST--> : "Peter Jackson, James T. Barnham, Steward Griffin" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_RATING--> : "9.5/10" <!--LLINK_EXTNFO_IMDBURL--> : "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116344/"
Normally, we do the directory processing in one pass, and it would send the HTML files in the following order:
head.html line_dir.html -\ line_movie.html ------ Based on the TYPE map in llink.conf, and if dir entry is a dir, or .avi etc ... tail.html
If you define higher PASSES value, in this case 2, it will send (if the files exist):
head.html line_dir.html line_movie.html ... tail.html # Start pass 2 2head.html 2line_dir.html 2line_movie.html ... 2tail.html
And so on for even higher PASSES values. The entries found are cached internally to llink, so it does only one actual directory listing.