Llink:dlink dns323
User hps on the NMT forum has compiled llink-1.9.9 for ARM and packaged it into a fun_plug package for D-link's DNS-323 NAS.
You find his repository here:
Note: at this moment the url is broken
Fonz fun-plug for DNS-323 firmware version 0.3:
Installation instructions
1. Download llink 1.9.9 for DNS-323 somewhere reachable to your NAS
2. telnet/ssh in to your DNS-323
3. cd [whatever path you saved the file in]
4. funpkg.sh llink-1.9.9.tgz
5. sh /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/start/llink.sh start
If you want llink to start at boot, set the executable bit on /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/start/llink.sh
And do:
chmod a+x /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/start/llink.sh
If you want to compile it yourself, the "source" is available too.