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Revision as of 02:00, 24 January 2007 by Lundman (talk | contribs)

The FXP.One clients

This is a known list of FXP.One clients. If you make a new one, feel free to add it here.


* FXP.cOne (CDK/ncurses client)


This FXP.One client ships with the FXP.One packages and will be compiled automatically if ./configure can find ncurses and the special version of CDK. Download the CDK library from http://invisible-island.net/cdk/

Until the local site can be added the client, if you wish to create a local site, please use <local> as the setting for host, user and pass.

Status: Beta: Completely Functional, but missing much cosmetics. Knowns bugs exist.


* clomps (console multiple site 'whats new?' query program, with auto-queue support)


This FXP.One client ships with the FXP.One packages and will be compiled automatically. It is a console only application that connects to multiple servers, works out what entries are new since it last ran, and presents a matrix of where files/directories are, and are missing. It can also automatically mirror between sites, in multiple ways, using the pass- and skip- lists. It can setup up sequential mirroring (A->B, then B->C) or concurrent mirroring. (A->B and A->C).

Status: v1.1 stable.

The latest Windows binary is available here:



This FXP.One client is a GTK GUI client made on Python by a colleague. This client was never released and was made as a test-case for the UFxp client.

Status: deprecated.


This FXP.One client is a Ultimate++ GUI client. This is an external client. Please see the UFxp home page for more information.

Status: beta, fully functional.
