UFxp Installation Guide
This guide is mostly geared toward Windows binary downloaders. The general steps will still apply for Unix users, but not the specific commands.
- Unzip the binary package somewhere. I will assume C:/UFxp/ as an example. Don't run the client yet.
- UFxp/FXP.One comes with a sample OpenSSL certificate, this is to make quick-tests faster. However, you should not keep running with this certificate! If you have generated your own cert, please copy it into the folder now.
- Run the client. (double click UFxp.exe).
- You will be presented with a "Connect to FXP.One" dialog. Since the engine and clients are separate, they can run on separate servers. However, you can also *Spawn* it on local machine which will give you the familiar FTP-like client.
- The *SpawnKey*: This key is used to encrypt the files that the FXP.One engine saves. If you chose to use this feature, and we recommand that you do, you will have to supply it every time you *Spawn* the FXP.One engine. In this example, we will use a *SpawnKey* of "hello". Type "hello" into *SpawnKey* entry. Leave *User* and *Pass* as default (it is admin/admin). And click OK.
! You should see a message similar to:
FXP.Oned version 1.1 build 733 protocol 1.3, SSL is optional Connection upgraded to secure: RC4-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1 Authorization Successful.
The final line there is very important. If it can not authenticate, do not try to use the UFxp client. It will only *pretend* to work, but will do nothing!
- If you authenticated successfully, use menu File / Change Password to change the default of admin/admin to a password of your chosing. Please do this, otherwise anyone can connect to your FXP.One engine.
- Use menu Control / Site Manager to Add your first sites. We will eventually go into more details about [[UFxp:Sites|Sites].
Normal use, you would connect both sides, queue some items, and click *Go*. One important distiction here, is that once you have clicked *Go* the client _no longer owns the sites or queue_. It is controlled by the FXP.One engine. To appear familiar to most users, we update the log windows and queue windows still. However, the client