- Erin 2006/05/10 ####
download and install theide on local machine To install it, you should place 'theide' executable to any place on PATH and 'upp' directory to either:
~/upp /usr/local/share/upp /usr/local/lib/upp /usr/local/bin/upp /usr/share/upp /usr/lib/upp /usr/bin/upp
(Placing both 'theide' and 'upp' to /usr/local/bin seems to be the simple obvious option here). For linux %cp upp -fR /usr/local/bin/upp %cp theide /usr/local/bin/theide %chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/theide
create app folder %mkdir -p /home/user/upp/MyApps %cd /home/user/upp/MyApps %cvs -d ":pserver:anoncvs@lundman.net:/home/cvsroot" login Password: anoncvs
download the cvs for FXP.One and UFxp
- Compiling the engine.
% cd FXP.One/engine % gmake
- This Error is OK
- gmake: build: Command not found
- gmake: *** [all] Error 127
Start FXP.Oned %./FXP.Oned
cd ../../UFxp ln -s ../FXP.One/lion lion
start theide %theide
You have to set the path to your UFXP code and then build it. select ufxp build>build (F7)
RUN Debug>Execute (cntl F5)