Hikari TV
Hikari TV ひかりTV
I signed up for HikariTV recently, to see what that is like to use. I went for the "double" tuner rental.
Initially I was using an old Buffalo G54 wifi router. It could technically handle it, but all wifi communication stopped when watching tv.
I went and picked up a WZR-450HP. You have to enable the "Movie engine" and then IPV6 option. Then HikariTV worked.
However, I noticed you could only watch for 2-3 minutes, then channels would go blocky, corrupt and generally be unplayable. Some channels did not play at all.
It turns out that you can set the "multicast rate", for which the default is "11 mbps".
However, with HD channels, it is sending at about 8-16mbps. I changed the "multicast rate" to 22mbps and it is currently working well.