
From Lundman Wiki
Revision as of 03:44, 28 February 2012 by Lundman (talk | contribs)

This is the Sandbox. It's where you can screw up and do all kinds of stuff to test bits.

  • like this.

Making things up

Whatever you wish to play with.


One might put in some help of some type from somewhere, I kinda assumed there was boilerplate.

This is a <googlemap> tag.

<googlemap width="352" height="240" lat="42.16340342422401" lon="-96.15234375" zoom="14" type="hybrid"> 46.195042108660154,-95.09765625,Minnesota The land of 10,000 lakes. 37.02009820136811,-119.00390625,California The Sunshine State. </googlemap> essay writers