lundman's entries:
WISH: Progress, ETA counter? Simple ETA string added. WISH: Options needs "Random path: /dev/random" WISH: Options needs "SSL Ciphers: " WISH: Options needs "SSL only, optional.(to engine)" WISH: Better icons. BUG: RichEdit font Zooms. FEAT: When spawning, it should search for executable in a list of common paths BUG: QGRAB/QGET might not set Droplist to correct site (QGRAB does, QGET doesn't). BUG: SelectSearch should put cursor between "**" ready to type. FEAT: add RAW engine FEAT: add RAW ftp WISH: ".." dir, optional Partially done, but is currently sorted, when it should be fixed at top. WISH: Dirlist column order being user specified? WISH: Add "optional spawn port" to gui? BUG: Compare is grossly inefficient Searches for fids in arrayctrl.. maybe sort it by fid, or something. WISH: Color, or italics, the first item in queue after getting XFRACT BUG: Site command, ctrl-enter should send it. BUG: Option to set date formatting. BUG: When double-entering a dir (or, dir dont exist, etc errors) the error message is sent to left side only. BUG: If you cancel Rename, it still refreshes dirlisting. WISH: For those that always connect to same engine, have auto-connect option WISH: Change App Title name as we download, so it changes for minimized view. WISH: Minimize to iconbar? WISH: Window like dirlist, dir-first sort. BUG: When sites are disconnected (timeout) it does not free the queue. BUG: If a site has startdir set, then this path is sent after QGRAB as well, instead of staying where we were/left-off FEAT: Taskbar has no indication of progress, or even if its busy or not. WISH: Spawn another session on a queue would be a neat feature. BUG: Empty startdir in local sites appear to core on queue completion (refreshing dir) BUG: GRAB a queue, then GRAB another and they appear appended in queuelist. Needs to clear queue FEAT: Add "user notes" with sites, so one could store short notes about each site.