Extra Site
There are further settings that will modify FXP.One's engine behavior which are not part of the definition of a site. Since we are allowed to define any variable name, which is automatically stored, some extra definitions have been created.
USE_XDUPE=<yna> * Auto - If XDUPE is reported in the FEAT reply code, it will be enabled and used. * Yes - Forced on, regardless of FEAT reply. * No - Forced off, regardless of FEAT reply.
FXP_TLS=<yna> * Auto - Use secure (SSL) data transfers if possible, otherwise plain-text, using CCSN or SSCN. * Yes - Always attempt secure (SSL) data transfers, fail if not possible. * No - Do not attempt secure data transfers, always use plain-text.
The FXP_TLS option is added in addition to data_TLS as it was deemed insufficient for those who would like to force directory listings to use secure methods, but disable secure data transfers, even if sites supported such transfers. If FXP_TLS is not defined, FXP.One engine will use the default behavior as specified by data_TLS.