Extra Site
There are further settings that will modify FXP.One's engine behavior which are not part of the definition of a site. Since we are allowed to define any variable name, which is automatically store, some extra definitions have been created.
USE_XDUPE=<yna> * Auto - If XDUPE is reported in the FEAT reply code, it will be enabled and used. * Yes - Forced on, regardless of FEAT reply. * No - Forced off, regardless of FEAT reply.
FXP_TLS=<yna> * Auto - Use secure (SSL) data transfers if possible, otherwise plain-text, using CCSN or SSCN. * Yes - Always attempt secure (SSL) data transfers, fail if not possible. * No - Do not attempt secure data transfers, always use plain-text.
The FXP_TLS option is added in addition to data_TLS as it was deemed insufficient for those who would like to force directory listings, but disable secure data transfers even if sites supported such transfers. If FXP_TLS is not defined, FXP.One engine will use the default behavior as specified by data_TLS.