UFxp is a GUI client for FXP.One using the Ultimate++ widget toolkit. Even though there are clients that come with FXP.One, this is the first full-blown GUI client and is separately packaged.
It works on Windows and little-endian Unix servers. Currently tested on NetBSD, Linux and Windows. There is an experimental [OsX] port already in way but it has some graphics glitches due to endianess.
Latest tarball:
Use CVS to obtain the latest sources, you will need the FXP.One engine sources, and well as the UFxp sources. To build UFxp you need to download the Ultimate++ toolkit, and launch its IDE.
Building Sources
Simple build documentation.
Windows binaries can be found here:
UFxp-FXP.One-v0.07.zip UFxp-FXP.One-v0.06.zip UFxp-FXP.One-v0.05.zip UFxp-FXP.One-v0.04.zip UFxp-FXP.One-v0.03.zip UFxp-FXP.One-v0.02.zip
NetBSD binaries:
None yet.
Linux binaries:
None yet.
OsX intel binaries:
None yet.
Very experimental OsX ppc binaries:
None yet.
Please read the Guide for installing and running UFxp.