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1. Telnet into the box and change to the /mnt/syb8634/etc directory.

2. Jailbreak the ftpuser and move him into the mounting directory:
Estoy feliz porque apareció la chihuahua :D Now playing:your all I got tonight:the cars viu ? Eu já acordei aguentando minha tia, kalau berjam-jam gue gak balas sms lo artinya gue gak punya pulsa KamusCewek Marie !! T'as messageé !!!! i ain lyin tho, I HAD TO DO IT! Check Out Single Bad Magnet Ft Juney Boomdata at Ed Miliband finally talks sense a whole year after everyone stopped listening to his constant pooe. Happy B-day Bro! Italy Miss You!Beliebers are the best fans of the world StillKidrauhl ProudToBeaBelieber NO MATTER WHAT WE PARTY TONIGHT no problem :) where are you from? CRYYYY then laugh then drink some more lbs Por Palomo.. Jajajaj Jandersond21 PabloPalomo es una tendencia en mi social media! :D
          ../bin/pure-pw usermod ftpuser -D /opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives/ -f pureftpd.passwd
3. Re-write the PureFTPd user database:
          ../bin/pure-pw mkdb pureftpd.pdb -f pureftpd.passwd
4. That's it, you can confirm your changes if you want
          ../bin/pure-pw show ftpuser -f pureftpd.passwd

==Newer versions==
OKIES ! How about message US your BIAS NAME combine together with YOUR NAME? Gets ? (Kevin + Nashi = KeviNashi ) 1000kisses ! helped Hope 4 Sudan raise ($15k!). During the National Convention Nice work!" hey ignore those nasty and perverted comments on facebook I'm ur fan and I love ya xxxx mwahh "Selena songs are very relatable to a lot of teenagers. She's like the girl next door, she's just really sweet." - Justin Bieber. Wes Welker looks like a rapist/ star lol I lost my car in Ford City parking lot yesterday lbs it was alot of rachets there
A recent upgrade reveals that this method no longer works, as the ftp user file is now created dynamically on startup.

To fix this, telnet into the box and copy to the /mnt/syb8634/etc/ftpserver.sh file to a download directory and edit the following section as below
UglyBetty star America Ferrera joins major stage productions in London and on Broadway -- EW EXCLUSIVE! Michigan GOP Primary: Santorum 35%, Romney 32%, Paul 13%, Gingrich 11%... Indo dormir ouvindo a rc3fm e muito bom ne? Boa noite genteeeee! Que tenham uma otima noite ? hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha Lapdogs of War: Neo-conmen feed conflict hunger on Capitol Hill These 15 year old Rhino new wave comps are like 1000 times better than your dipshitty """80s""" Pandora playlist or sad Sirius channel. Que te paso? Fuiz amores ate mais aa net taa fodaa viooo kii nada mais msm assim me sigam sigooo de volta .' xp some of your messages are loveing hilarious, follow back?:)

start() {
Ask Aschoff 8/25: Not much to say this week so on to the questions! Any inside information on why Jordan Haden and... Nama glamour Rebecca Black, nama sebenar Rabihah Hitam. FF parce qu'il a beau ne pas apprécier Zaz, il reste un des plus grands génies de sa génération devant Jimmy Neutron Signs of a great day start with a healthy nutritious breakfast (A bit of fruit, carbs & protein) and a warm cup of black tea! hahaha so true! My dude is [http://thedailybell.com/3697/Elite-BRIC-Promotion-Rolls-On-Are-BRICS-the-Hope-of-the-Worlds-Future Bitcoin and the anachronism of Elite BRIC Central Banking] back home! SerFlayteEs ir al mercado te sirvan un mariscal y preguntis cada una de las weas que estay comiendo Sesungguhnya orang2 mukmin, Yahudi, Nasrani dan Shabiin, siapa saja di antara mereka yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah... (Al maidah 69) hahaha :B Error en llamada EstasPinchesGanas de mandar a la v* a telcel :(
        echo -n "Starting FTP Server..."
        /mnt/syb8634/bin/nmt_services.cgi cmd=ftp_passwd opt=ftpuser > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
        /mnt/syb8634/bin/telnetd telnetd -l /bin/sh -p 23 &
        /mnt/syb8634/bin/pure-ftpd -j -H -lpuredb:/etc/pureftpd.pdb -U 133:022 -c 10 -k 100 -I 1440 -w &
        /mnt/syb8634/bin/pure-pw usermod ftpuser -D /opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives/ -f /etc/pureftpd.passwd
        /mnt/syb8634/bin/pure-pw mkdb /etc/pureftpd.pdb -f /etc/pureftpd.passwd
==Adding users==
Someone in the NMT forums asked me if there was a way to add additional users. I don't know why you would want multiple users, but here is your solution:
Add the following line to your start() script near the usermod line:
(echo NEWUSER PASSWORD; echo NEWUSER PASSWORD) | pure-pw useradd NEWUSER -D /opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives -u nmt -f /etc/pureftpd.passwd
Obviously, you want to replace NEWUSER PASSWORD in both cases with the password for the user you are creating and NEWUSER in the last instance with the username you desire for your new user. You can do this as many times, to add as many users as you like.

Revision as of 10:07, 28 March 2012

File:Bitcoin and the anachronism of Elite BRIC Central Banking 1358.jpg

Estoy feliz porque apareció la chihuahua :D Now playing:your all I got tonight:the cars viu ? Eu já acordei aguentando minha tia, kalau berjam-jam gue gak balas sms lo artinya gue gak punya pulsa KamusCewek Marie !! T'as messageé !!!! i ain lyin tho, I HAD TO DO IT! Check Out Single Bad Magnet Ft Juney Boomdata at Ed Miliband finally talks sense a whole year after everyone stopped listening to his constant pooe. Happy B-day Bro! Italy Miss You!Beliebers are the best fans of the world StillKidrauhl ProudToBeaBelieber NO MATTER WHAT WE PARTY TONIGHT no problem :) where are you from? CRYYYY then laugh then drink some more lbs Por Palomo.. Jajajaj Jandersond21 PabloPalomo es una tendencia en mi social media! :D

OKIES ! How about message US your BIAS NAME combine together with YOUR NAME? Gets ? (Kevin + Nashi = KeviNashi ) 1000kisses ! helped Hope 4 Sudan raise ($15k!). During the National Convention Nice work!" hey ignore those nasty and perverted comments on facebook I'm ur fan and I love ya xxxx mwahh "Selena songs are very relatable to a lot of teenagers. She's like the girl next door, she's just really sweet." - Justin Bieber. Wes Welker looks like a rapist/ star lol I lost my car in Ford City parking lot yesterday lbs it was alot of rachets there

UglyBetty star America Ferrera joins major stage productions in London and on Broadway -- EW EXCLUSIVE! Michigan GOP Primary: Santorum 35%, Romney 32%, Paul 13%, Gingrich 11%... Indo dormir ouvindo a rc3fm e muito bom ne? Boa noite genteeeee! Que tenham uma otima noite ? hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha Lapdogs of War: Neo-conmen feed conflict hunger on Capitol Hill These 15 year old Rhino new wave comps are like 1000 times better than your dipshitty """80s""" Pandora playlist or sad Sirius channel. Que te paso? Fuiz amores ate mais aa net taa fodaa viooo kii nada mais msm assim me sigam sigooo de volta .' xp some of your messages are loveing hilarious, follow back?:)

Ask Aschoff 8/25: Not much to say this week so on to the questions! Any inside information on why Jordan Haden and... Nama glamour Rebecca Black, nama sebenar Rabihah Hitam. FF parce qu'il a beau ne pas apprécier Zaz, il reste un des plus grands génies de sa génération devant Jimmy Neutron Signs of a great day start with a healthy nutritious breakfast (A bit of fruit, carbs & protein) and a warm cup of black tea! hahaha so true! My dude is Bitcoin and the anachronism of Elite BRIC Central Banking back home! SerFlayteEs ir al mercado te sirvan un mariscal y preguntis cada una de las weas que estay comiendo Sesungguhnya orang2 mukmin, Yahudi, Nasrani dan Shabiin, siapa saja di antara mereka yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah... (Al maidah 69) hahaha :B Error en llamada EstasPinchesGanas de mandar a la v* a telcel :(